[#2776][返璞归真2014:高棉帝国之Marahatanahaduhashitva(Khmer Empire)]下载
[#2775][黑凤凰(试玩版)(Black Phoenix (Demo))]下载
Once upon a time, there was a sleeper and there was Lara, both of them met in Paris. But what nobody knew was that their son was born. A half angel, half human being. Laras home was remodeled, and lat
[#2774][古墓丽影:拯救(第一部)- 序幕(Tomb Raider Salvation (Part 1) - Prologue)]下载
Lara must find 5 artefacts that were hidden through the world to destroy them. Because If they end up in wrong hands, the world may be destroyed. Lara already knows the location of all the five. Unfor
[#2773][斯克里伯勒滋之石5:阿摩勒的审判(The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - Trials of Amojan)]下载
A number of Skribblerz Stones have been hidden around the world and Lara must find them all.
[#2772][斯克里伯勒滋之石5:达摩安息之地(The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - Dhama's Rest)]下载
A number of Skribblerz Stones have been hidden around the world and Lara must find them all.
[#2771][斯克里伯勒滋之石5:骷髅岛(The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - Skull Island)]下载
A number of Skribblerz Stones have been hidden around the world and Lara must find them all.
[#2770][斯克里伯勒滋之石5:拉罗谢尔寺庙(The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - Temple La Rochelle)]下载
A number of Skribblerz Stones have been hidden around the world and Lara must find them all.
[#2769][斯克里伯勒滋之石5:迷失的世界(The Skribblerz Stonez 5 - The Lost World)]下载
A number of Skribblerz Stones have been hidden around the world and Lara must find them all.
[#2768][伊萨卡残骸(Shipwreck Ithaca)]下载
[#2767][劳拉在《大笨猫3D》游戏中(Lara at the Games - Bubsy 3D)]下载
Lara is featured on the "Furbitten Planet" and wow ... How it has changed since 1996 ! O_o It is much more modern and esthetic than before ...