[#2645] [熔岩圣殿(The Lava Temple)]下载
Lara was surprised when a huge cloud of snow and ice suddenly appeared on the horizon. She quickly started to look for some shelter in this northern wilderness, but the only one she found was a dark a
[#2643][返璞归真2013:夏日忧伤(BtB 2013 - Summertime Sadness)]下载
The game takes place in one of The six Celtic nations: Britanny. It is the end of summer and Lara Croft is travelling through the Broceliande forest, also known today as Paimpont forest, in France. Th
[#2642][返璞归真2013:北欧挑战(BtB 2013 - Nordic Challenge)]下载
Laras training room is undergoing a restoration, so she is going to the property of her friend Hansen, to improve her fitness. She must overcome all the traps to successfully recover the Frozen Flame
[#2641][返璞归真2013:搜索最后的雷神之国(BtB 2013 - Search for the Last Realm of Thor)]下载
Somewhere in a Northern country, Lara must seek the path which takes her to the last realm of Thor.
[#2640/trle2644][返璞归真2013:众神之锤(BtB2013 - Hammer of the Gods)] 下载
According to Norse mythology, Glaosheimr was part of the realms of Asgard, where Odins Hall of Valhalla was located. Valhalla was said to be the final resting place of the great viking warriors. In th
[#2639][BtB返璞归真2013:救援矮人(BtB 2013 - Save the Dwarves)] 下载
Lara has heard that the dwarves who have helped her before, are imprisoned. She goes to help them. Of course, she has to complete some tasks. Do not save and load the game between placing and igniting
[#2638][返璞归真2013:妖精的藏身之处(BtB 2013 - Leprechauns Hideout)] 下载
The legend tells us: Catch a leprechaun and be rewarded with his gold. What a trophy for Lara.
[#2637/trle2641][2013BtB:北欧诸神的终极挑战(Ultimate Challenge of the Northern Gods)] 下载
Lara Croft is in search of Thors chalice. This relic has been hidden in the lost world of Niflheim, under the control of the Northern Gods. The mysterious Guardian of the Key of Niflheim will help Lar
[#2636][返璞归真2013:六英尺下(BtB 2013 - Six Feet Under)] 下载