[#2708][末代皇帝(The Last Emperor)] 下载
[#2707][记忆别墅:试玩版(The Villa of Remembrance (Demo))] 下载
Lara is entered in a strange villa, it has no particular furniture, but the rooms looks like some places that Lara visited in the years 1996 to 2000, these are fakes. It looks like this villa adapts i
[#2706][20MB垃圾(20 MB of Trash)] 下载
There is a junkyard somewhere in the world, filled with waste of all kind, a lair of rubbish, domain of contamination, kingdom of litter. In the very heart lies a Barrel - the origin of all pollution,
[#2705][度假屋圣诞奖励任务(Vacation Home Christmas Mission Bonus)] 下载
After a severe winter in Crystal Hills Lara Croft decides to defrost her adventure and travel to her vacation home in Brazil. The house is alone for a time and she needs to put things right before goi
[#2704][歌剧(Opera)] 下载
[#2703/trle2681][玛利亚号(Maria Doria)] 下载
[#2702][离开寺院(Out Monastery)] 下载
[#2701][巴托利的最后抵抗(Bartoli's Last Stand)] 下载
When Bartoli sent his men to Laras Mansion at the conclusion of TR2, he was able to retrieve the Dragons Heart that Lara had ripped from the beast. Ever since, he has been obsessively guarding it with
[#2700][去而复返(There and Back Again)] 下载
Lara received news of a tomb in the middle of Finland, known as the Tomb of Death. The tomb is said to harbour the body and riches of Mr Death, a famous inventor. Lara travels to the tomb, which turne
[#2699][假匕首(Fake Dagger)] 下载