[#2719][黄金遗物(The Golden Artifact)] 下载
[#2718][古墓丽影:拯救(TR Redemption)] 下载
About 5000 years ago, the Carrier of Light sealed in a tomb one of the most powerful demons of hell, Astaroth. Then he assigned to Raziel the nephilim, the task of protector of the shrine, and destr
[#2717][万圣节噩梦(Halloween Nightmare)] 下载
WARNING! NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! DOWNLOAD AND PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK!Lara is trapped in a nightmare! Can you survive the night?
[#2716][搜寻安卡(The Search for the Ankh)] 下载
The main idea was to create a level in TR1 Style, but with enhanced environments, to make it look less blocky. And I also think TR1 Egypt has its own unique charm.
[#2715][圣杯(The Chalice)] 下载
Note: If you want to enjoy the game in widescreen, please read the attached readme for configuration. It is very simple.
[#2714][搜寻黄金面具(Search for the Golden Mask)] 下载
Lara goes back in search of the Mask of Tornarsuk. When she found this artefact in TR2 Gold, Lara returned it. Realising how valuable and important the Golden Mask is, Lara returns to Alaska and trave
[#2713][水族遗迹(Aqua Sahrym)]下载
Somewhere in the desert a very mighty sandstorm has revealed an old complex. Lara awared of this discovery decided to take her jeep and went there. This complex was at least small and seemed to be emp
[#2711][黄金十字架(The Golden Cross)] 下载
After some intense raining in Portugal, some holes were exposed, including one interesting hole with some templar armor and an interesting passage... Lara Croft decides to adventure under the earth. W
[#2710][遗迹(Relic)] 下载
Venice, late in the afternoon ... Autumn is coming and the sky is strange. Thunder, lightning, pollution and perhaps some magic spells ... In short, it suggests one thing. The Mausoleum of the Angel
[#2709/trle2688][威利的心碎旅馆(Willie's Heartbreak Hotel)]下载